Cab Spoiler - Subaru Sambar (スバル サンバー)

Regular price $445.95

Looking to add a little character to your KS3/KS4 Subaru Sambar (スバル サンバー)?  Our Cab Spoiler is handmade in the United States and is custom fit for this truck.  Using the cab light and side vents as mount points the 1/8in thick molded fiberglass has a stable platform - no chatter at speeds in excess of 70mph. The design does not interfere with the truck's rain gutters and doesn't block the side cab vents either.  Finished in white it can be installed and left alone or painted to match your vehicle. Mounting hardware is included.

Production lead time is 3-4 weeks from when an order is placed.
(not available for high-cab trucks or vans)